Tuesday 6 October 2015


The first point is that, you or everyone is born with your calling. However, Your desire can be a major indicator of your calling.
1 Timothy 3:1 talks about the requirement of being a pastor. It says, “This [is] a true saying, If a man DESIRE the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.” (1 Tim. 3:1)

The first requirement is desire. God has placed the desire of your calling in your heart. In this case, pastors were first to be identified by their desire.

It has always fascinated me how little girls have a desire to be mothers. Male kids however don’t share that desire. Because these little girls have the potential of being women and mothers, God has already put that desire in their heart so they are usually seen playing with Barbie dolls. They already have an innate desire for their “Calling” to be mothers.

Your desire will help you to identify your calling. In connection to this, I want to share with you another scripture. In Philippians 2:13, the Bible says, “For it is God which worketh in you both to WILL and to DO of [his] good pleasure.”

God influences our WILL (Desire) and ACTIONS (What you do).Our Will – Your “Will” is your power to choose.

Someone with the calling of a singer will make the choice to sing. An evangelist will make the choice to win souls. A pastor will have the make the choice to care for people.

Be mindful of your desires; it could be an indicator of your calling. God will work in you to influence your choices or your will.

The next thing that God influences is our Actions. Your “Will” will logically push you to pursue a particular set of actions.

Sometimes, if you join a church, an organization or a group, you may be given a responsibility which may seem unrelated to your desire. This responsibility may be necessary for your training etc, but it may or may not be necessarily your calling.

For example, if you are called to be an evangelist, you may find yourself pastoring as part of Gods training. Moses kept sheep before pastoring Israel.Some people get confused when they are in the work of God and it does not seem to align with their desires. Keep your cool; God is preparing you for your actual calling.

Most of the responsibilities we are entrusted with in a church or ministry help shape, correct and develop us to become effective in our calling. After God has finished all He wants to do with us, we may find ourselves going back to our first love or desire. This process can take many years. You may even go full circle because of training.

However, your calling is actually something that gravitates naturally from within.
Let me ask you this question – If your responsibly or job were taken away, and you were to be left on your own, what will you naturally desire to do? What is the one thing that you do without being prompted or instructed?

That thing is indicative of your calling. God is working in you. You may start from there, deviate from there and finally come back there!

Keep reading more of such messages on this blog as I share more on DISCOVERING AND DEVELOPING YOUR CALLING.

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