Thursday 27 November 2014


As good as a beginning may be, it is the finishing that matters. God said I know the thoughts that I think towards you, thoughts of good and not evil to give you an expected end. The situation may look bad at the beginning or even worse in the middle but rest assured God is a perfect finisher.

 He knows how to navigate you through all the tough times and bring you to a grand ending. He that said "it is finished" on the cross will surely finish well with those that depend on Him.

Is it not interesting that Big Giants such as Amazon, Google, Apple, Disney, Harley Davidson, Hewlett-Packard and a plethora of others started in a garage! Fortune, truly favors the brave! Never despise your humble beginnings nor that of the people around you. Take a bold step of faith and signs and wonders shall follow you. it is the finishing that matters and God surely is with you.................

What you must know is that the season that nobody knows you is the season to know somethings. Once you are known, you have less time to know things.

If you try to figure out what your strengths, weaknesses and purpose are after the challenge, you are too late. Prepare now!

Nothing can change the fact that there is a reason why you are here. Go out there and live the reason. Nothing, I mean nothing can derail it. Not bankruptcy, delay, resistance, being fired or limitations can abort your purpose. Keep your focus on the finishing......

Also remember, You can't be extraordinary by doing 40 things. You can be extraordinary by finding your "one thing" and doing it well.

If you are not practising, remember, someone somewhere is practising. And when you meet him in a competition, he will win.

Always know and ...Don't ever feel too BIG to start out SMALL!... If you are taking tro tro, taxi or even walking today, do so with PRIDE! You never know where you will be tomorrow! FAITH is the fuel of greatness!

May The Lord go ahead of you, make crooked paths straight and levels mountains before you. As you journey through the ending of this year, may you obtain favor and experience His loving kindness! With these words, I bless you in Jesus' name

Wednesday 16 April 2014


Humanity has always been plagued with back stabbers, liars, conspirators , disloyal and dysfunctional folks! Is it not interesting that, the same people who sang "hosanna" ''hosanna'' also said "crucify Him!"
Jesus, the Bible says, knew what was in men and therefore, didn't rely on them! David's fear intensified when his closest friend Ahitophel left camp! The good news is ADVERSITY IS NECESSARY FOR YOUR NEXT LEVEL!
As they gather to conspire against you, let every stumbling block they put your way, turn into a stepping stone in the name of the one who died, rose, reigns and have regency, Jesus Christ our Lord and let every saint say "Amen"!
President of Pleroma International Ministries- PLIM


The meanest of betrayals, oftentimes, do not come with a frown, a pout or a sulk but most often under the veneer of kisses, hugs and smiles!

Jesus, interestingly, was betrayed with a kiss. That means, we should know no man after the flesh because people can pretend to love you but they mean it not!

May God give you a discerning spirit to know, who is truly on your side and those who mean you no good, as you journey to the top! May our Lord, Jesus Christ, bless you with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places. Let the redeemed of The Lord say "Amen"!

Monday 31 March 2014


Daniel Kwame Osae Djan is the General Overseer & Founder of Pleroma International Ministries (PLIM) headquartered at Kumasi, Ashanti Region of Ghana with chapters and branches in London, Canada and the United States of America. PLIM is committed to stirring up the giftings in people and upholding the dignity of God’s WORD by maintaining a Spiritual atmosphere of the presence of God and Power; preaching the gospel to reposition God’s people through revival for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ and raising mighty men and women for the LORD. 

Daniel holds an MPhil in Sustainable Development from the Queens University in the United Kingdom and also a graduate Sociologist from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana where He obtained his first degree. 

Daniel Kwame Osae Djan is an end time seasoned, firebrand servant of the Lord with a unique prophetic grace and preaching Ministry. He teaches and prophesies the Word Of God followed with signs and wonders.

One of the end-time Ministry Gifts to the Body of Christ, he is a strong and forthright prophetic-preacher and demonstrator of the Word, a mentor and father to those God has placed under his ministry. His message centres on the prophetic, prayer, ministry, the supernatural, the Holy Ghost, righteousness, discipline and order in the Body of Christ. He has a strong desire for the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the power of God in the body of Christ. He operates strongly in the prophetic, healings, discernment of Spirit and power demonstrations.  

God Uses him in Strange prophetic deliverance and prayer revivals/conferences.

An author and anointed minister, also a preacher and speaker, Daniel is dedicated to making sure his gifting and wealth of experience are reaping for the Body of Christ a harvest that will impact future generations. He currently lives in the city of London, UK.

          PLIM Contacts                                                                                          Websites

* +44 759 606 0439 - UK                                      
* +233 20 741 0089 - GH                                      
* +233 24 080 4212 - GH                                      
* +233 24 620 7565 - GH                                            

Sunday 12 January 2014

From Zero to Hero - Its all About Jesus

It is so common for Jesus to lift people out of their littleness into greatness, and make apostles of fishermen. One doesn’t have to read between the lines of the Bible or delve into the Greek or Hebrew grammar. It is written large in God’s book – Jesus loved the unloved and unlovely. It is so usual, so normal and so workaday for Him. He picks up with drab uninteresting people living grey little lives and makes them special. In fact the whole Bible is full of it. God choosing the unlikely people, the youngest sons, the barren women, not many mighty, give the nameless a name, putting His arms around them and acknowledging them. That is our wonderful Jesus. 

You see time and time again, God proves people wrong, and decides to choose who to use. Never give up in this life, with God everything is possible. Don't condemn yourself beloved...God is all you need. Get intimate with Jesus, remember, with Jesus, He will never condemn you when everyone does, He will never betray you, I have seen Him go to the unloved and the rejected and make something great from their lives.

Do not allow anyone who is not your maker determine your functionality or otherwise. God can change your story and change your life with just one touch and in one day. All you need is a relationship with Jesus. Get close to him and you will never regret it. Jesus loves you. Your end shall be great.


Beloved, The next time you feel like God can't use you, just remember...

Noah was a drunk.

Abraham was too old.

Isaac was a daydreamer.

Jacob was a liar.

Leah was ugly.

Joseph was abused.

Moses had a stuttering problem.

Gideon was afraid.

Samson had long hair and was a womanizer.

Rahab was a prostitute.

Jeremiah and Timothy were too young.

David had an affair and was a murderer.

Elijah was suicidal.

Isaiah preached naked.

Jonah ran from God.

Naomi was a widow.

Job went bankrupt.

John the Baptist ate bugs.

Peter denied Christ.

The Disciples fell asleep while praying.

Martha worried about everything.

The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once.

Zaccheus was too small.

Paul was too religious.

Timothy had an ulcer.

AND...  Lazarus was dead!

No more excuses now. God can use you to your full potential. Besides, you aren't the message; you are just the messenger.

Stay blessed!!

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Prophetic Word for 2014: The Righteous Will Never Be Shaken

Welcome to 2014: Those who know and learn to connect with God will do exploits. It is a year of double honor, transcending grace, supernatural manifestations, Abundance, divine encounters, supernatural acceleration and divine advantage. 

Stick close to God this year and GOD is going to bless and increase you beyond your wildest imagination! God is at work in your life. It is a realm of total prosperity!

By the Grace of God, we have successfully entered 2014! This year is very significant on the prophetic calendar as it marks the end of a two faced cycle(Genesis 41:17-36). Prophetically, this last fourteen years has been like the days of Joseph.

The year 2000-2007 was the period of plenty or abundance and 2008-2014 the time of famine as he predicted in the scripture stated above. Please understand that it is not by accident that the global recession started in 2007. It has been predicted that more countries will be going on recession this year. God, however, has an escape route for His Children. 

This is for us to walk "TOTALLY DEDICATED TO HIM, HIS PURPOSE, HOUSE AND COUNSEL(Jeremiah 17:7-8)". We must understand that as many as live in TOTAL DEDICATION THIS YEAR WILL BE DIVINELY EXEMPTED AND SHALL HAVE SUCH AN UNCOMMON ADVANTAGE IN this last season of famine. 

I declare over your life that as you walk TOTALLY DEDICATED to God, His House and Work you will be graced with such an uncommon advantage over this negative cycle that seeks to consume this world in Jesus Name! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!