Wednesday 1 January 2014

Prophetic Word for 2014: The Righteous Will Never Be Shaken

Welcome to 2014: Those who know and learn to connect with God will do exploits. It is a year of double honor, transcending grace, supernatural manifestations, Abundance, divine encounters, supernatural acceleration and divine advantage. 

Stick close to God this year and GOD is going to bless and increase you beyond your wildest imagination! God is at work in your life. It is a realm of total prosperity!

By the Grace of God, we have successfully entered 2014! This year is very significant on the prophetic calendar as it marks the end of a two faced cycle(Genesis 41:17-36). Prophetically, this last fourteen years has been like the days of Joseph.

The year 2000-2007 was the period of plenty or abundance and 2008-2014 the time of famine as he predicted in the scripture stated above. Please understand that it is not by accident that the global recession started in 2007. It has been predicted that more countries will be going on recession this year. God, however, has an escape route for His Children. 

This is for us to walk "TOTALLY DEDICATED TO HIM, HIS PURPOSE, HOUSE AND COUNSEL(Jeremiah 17:7-8)". We must understand that as many as live in TOTAL DEDICATION THIS YEAR WILL BE DIVINELY EXEMPTED AND SHALL HAVE SUCH AN UNCOMMON ADVANTAGE IN this last season of famine. 

I declare over your life that as you walk TOTALLY DEDICATED to God, His House and Work you will be graced with such an uncommon advantage over this negative cycle that seeks to consume this world in Jesus Name! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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