Sunday 15 December 2013


Premature exposure in life whether be it career, marriage, work or ministry is dangerous and suicidal. It is very important you do not seek to lift yourself to platforms you are not prepared for. You might be exposed to things you lack the capacity to handle. 
Well for reference sake, Jesus spent 30 years in spiritual training and development before coming into public ministry. Moses was a shepherd for forty years before God raised him as a deliverer and leader for Israel. David had already killed both the lion and the bear before attempting to take down Goliath. Why would you want to get there any quicker than your predecessors?............

This in my opinion is why one needs a father, to direct, help in training and even determine when one is ready for exposure in life. 

You Need A Father: Joshua was a mighty man, full of wisdom because Moses fathered him (Deut 34:9), this suggests that Joshua served Moses and looked up to him for direction in life and ministry. Elisha became a great Prophet because he followed Elijah. Samuel was the greatest prophet to ever lived yet served under Eli the priest in 1 Samuel 3:1-21

You may be talented, gifted and intelligent but without the instruction of a father, you are like an eagle without feathers. Do not disregard your father, spiritual or natural

As said by APOSTLE DR. DAUDA MAIWAZI.......Three (3) things stand out, thus

Respect and honour your fathers both physical and spiritual, you cannot honour one and disrespect the other. Honour them both, be humble and serve under them and you will go far. The one who stands on the giant can fight and see far above the giant.

Repeat this prayer: Father, I locate the spiritual father; the authority figure you have placed over my life. I henceforth submit to his authority and decree that he is supplied with every necessary resource; wisdom, knowledge and understanding, to decode your divine purpose for my life, in Jesus' name. Amen

  Without a father in your life you can't go further. I pray for you:: you shall function in the overflow of the Oil 2Kings 4:1-7. Receive grace in Jesus name. Amen.



Prophet Nanasei Opoku Sarkodie    Dr Joshua Ofori    Prophet Hubert Ayi      
Rev Eastwood Anaba    Prophet Victor Kusi Boateng    Prophet Michael Nyamekye 
Apostle Jacob Oteng Jnr   Apostle Dan Clad   Prophet T. B Joshua
Prophet Atsu Manaseh   Prophet Christopher Yaw Annor    Prophet Kakra Baiden 
Prophet Kobus Van Rensburg   Pastor Chris Oyakhlihome    Prophet Brian Carn    
Bishop Ewusi Brookman    Bishop Agyin Asare    Papa Karambiri (CIE)


I salute you and will forever remain grateful for your deposits, fundamentals, encouragements, love, support, and impartation. God bless you!


Saturday 7 December 2013


I have been born into a generation where many people with the call of God upon their life desire to have a prophetic gift. Though there is a five fold ministry -(1) apostles, some to be (2) prophets, some to be (3) evangelists, and some to be (4) pastors and (5) teachers....they want to see something before they believe they are called by God.

I am one person who because i was born into a Methodist home, schooled partly in America, a typical critical thinker never believed in prophecy or let me say was not exposed to it though my curiosity and desire to know spiritual things has always been there. I can ask so many questions that if you know you are not truly called you will get frustrated with me. I have met people with great gifts and happy to be counseled under the ministry of a great one in my generation.

I can't understand why most people now are dying to have prophetic gifts though the other ministries are equally important. It is biblical so i can understand that. I truly believe that unless you have a purpose, established yourself in something or ready to fulfill one don't desire the gift. A gift without a purpose is useless. Know what you are good at and why God has called you to do on this earth. If the reason you want a gift is to show off, compete or demonstrate pride you are better off doing something else with your life. Doing Gods work especially with a prophetic gift through my observation requires a person to genuinely care about people, be humble, have patience to help them find solutions to their problems, have the ability to hear God on every matter and not exploit people. Ive heard of barbers, hair dressers, doctors, mechanics, traders who have serious prophetic gifts and are using it very well in their work to impact lives and win people for God. It shouldn't always be one way preaching at the pulpit and wanting to be known and seen on flyers. Evangelism and missionary work are also great ways of reaching out.

God will not give you a gift without telling you what to do with it but more importantly you having an idea of the kind of impact you want to make with it, whether big or small, impact is impact. Finding purpose is necessary in every field or choice of work but i believe its even more important in the work of God. Once you are established in your purpose you wouldn't need to rally around trying to impress people, looking for fame and fortune because you have the ability to see more than they can. May God establish you in your purpose and may you find joy and fulfillment doing what He has called u to do.

If you have been running around looking for impartation of a gift or praying for hours and months looking for it be ready to carry the burden and establish yourself in a purpose so that you can put the gift to good use. Be ready to serve people and not people serving you.

Esi Yankah 
(The Esi Yankah Show)

Thursday 14 November 2013


A word of advice to you......

Double dating or having multiple relationships simultaneously is not a sign that you are handsome, beautiful, gifted or great; it’s a sign of irresponsibility.

A responsible person is faithful to someone he/she loves for the rest of his/her life! Don't be carried away by that sugar coated mouth! It is not all that glitter that's gold!

Has God given you someone? Is he/she a child of God? Does he/she fear God? Start building your relationship! Life is not a rush, one step at a time

Anyone who is madly in love with two people at the same time is never in love! He/she just is in infatuation! In fact he/she needs deliverance! The test of true love is "FOCUS". Yes I said FOCUS

True Love is focused on only one person. An infatuated individual may be "in love" with two or more persons simultaneously!¬ Something I term stupidity in the highest order!

If you don't know the difference between LOVE & INFATUATION, you will destroy others' lives and your own! That's why psychiatric hospitals are full with people whose hearts are broken! Some have committed suicide, some never believe in love again and some have made up their mind never to trust anyone again or get married! This is serious! Stop toying with people' emotion!

Don't double date no matter the pressure! That's, don't be involved in two relationships at the same time. Many singles have missed their miracles because of this act of unfaithfulness! Double dating lowers your integrity and lays a wrong foundation for your marriage. Avoid it!

Stay blessed!

Friday 1 November 2013


I was in a meeting when people were being introduced and they called a pastor without his title, to my amazement he got up furious and demanded they address him by his title or else he leaves the place. Hmmm.

I read my bible and there was no where Jesus was called Prophet Jesus, Apostle Jesus or Rev. dr. Jesus. We are told at the mention of the name JESUS (alone) every knee will bow. His name carries power even without a title.

Jesus was addressed to as a prophet and an apostle by reason of the work he did. It wasn't His title and He never wanted titles but to do the will of the Father. Titles doesn't make you a superman or anointed, it only brings pride. 
Simplicity and humbleness brings more anointing than anything close to a title. Let us focus on doing the task and will of our Father in heaven than fighting for titles and positions.
By Prophet Hubert Ayi

Monday 14 October 2013

Christians are their own Enemies!

There is something that baffles my mind that with all the good Jesus was doing, like healing the sick, casting out devils, preaching to the poor, raising the dead and many other things that he did, the Pharisees, Sadducees, teachers of the law and the scribes still fought against him and wanted his downfall.

 How strange that all of them were church people. So is it true that Christians are the ones fighting against their own fellow Christians.

 No wonder the world doesn't want anything to do with church people because we are setting the wrong examples for them. So is the devil using christians to do his job for him? The question is that what will you benefit from fighting and destroying your fellow christian? 

It is amazing how some pastors go behind people speaking evil and causing confusion among the body of Christ. 

Prophet Hubert Ayi
Upper Room Revival Ministries