Friday 1 November 2013


I was in a meeting when people were being introduced and they called a pastor without his title, to my amazement he got up furious and demanded they address him by his title or else he leaves the place. Hmmm.

I read my bible and there was no where Jesus was called Prophet Jesus, Apostle Jesus or Rev. dr. Jesus. We are told at the mention of the name JESUS (alone) every knee will bow. His name carries power even without a title.

Jesus was addressed to as a prophet and an apostle by reason of the work he did. It wasn't His title and He never wanted titles but to do the will of the Father. Titles doesn't make you a superman or anointed, it only brings pride. 
Simplicity and humbleness brings more anointing than anything close to a title. Let us focus on doing the task and will of our Father in heaven than fighting for titles and positions.
By Prophet Hubert Ayi

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