Monday 10 June 2013

The Church Is Gradually Loosing its Focus & Essence - Thomas Yeboah

 It is estimated that the world’s population hovers around 7.2biliion as at 2012. Out of this number, only 2.2 billion are Christians. And even with this figure, it is reported that majority are not Christ centered while many have also been presented with salvation message that does not depict the unconditional love that God has revealed to the world through Christ Jesus. What is more shocking is that of the 5billion people majority have not even heard about the name of Jesus and him being crucified.
Notwithstanding this, the commitment of the church –I mean the body of Christ to issues of evangelism is waning down and in some churches the issue of evangelism is not on priority list. This is not to discredit many who are committed to soul winning and evangelism. But what is problematic is the fact that, now the church has become a place where people go to, in order to obtain solutions to their problems in life. 

Of course the salvation package include deliverance from any difficulty and challenges that  we face as Jesus himself said it when he hanged on the cross that it is finished-meaning all our difficulties have come to an end by means of his death. But we forget is the main reason why we are saved- ensuring that our salvation leads to the salvation of others.

Indeed, if your salvation does not lead to the salvation of others, I see it that your salvation is meaningless. Few will disagree with me that this issue now receives less attention in the church. The church has completely lost the focus of soul winning. Now is all about healing, praying for visas to travel and other personal things and comfort that we want to enjoy. But is this the original intent of God for the church? Few will probably disagree with me that when you visit many churches (body of Christ) today and see the number of people in evangelism department very sad, only few people. 

More importantly, if there is a church programme and it is about prophetic night or breakthrough night, you will see a fully packed church. However if the programme is dubbed soul winning or something to do with evangelism, it will be difficult to even get half of the church members attending. 

What really account for this situation? We have lost focus as a church. God has made all the provisions for the salvation of the whole human race. What is left is the commitment of every individual in the church who is saved to respond to this call.


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