Friday 7 June 2013

How To Relax in Time of Trouble!

''With him is an arm of flesh; but WITH US is the LORD our GOD to HELP US, and to FIGHT OUR BATTLES. And the people RESTED themselves upon the words of Hezekiah King of Judah.''  (2 Chron. 32:8)

Troubles are part of Life. Job said, ''Man that is born of a woman is of few days and FULL OF TROUBLE.'' (Job 14:1). Trouble can confront a nation, family or an individual. You are not an exception with problems in the relationship, family, business, ministry and a whole lot, Job said troubles are part of Life!

How can you stay cool, confident and focused in a time of trouble, when the problem that confronts you is bigger than your spiritual, mental and financial resources?

Simple, Do not focus on the size of your problem, but on the promises of God. Whenever you seem to be so full of troubles and worries, take a break, return to the WORD of GOD. Read and meditate on the promises of God concerning you. With FAITH and prayer take a rest in the presence of GOD.

Take a rest from your burden of divorce, break ups, relationship problems, poverty, sin, and family problems by resting on His word. FOR HE HAS SAID, ''I will never ever leave you nor forsake you''.
You are not alone, God is with you. IT IS WELL!

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