Wednesday 26 June 2013

DISCERNMENT- How To Exercise Good Judgement!

God gives you a white cloth..the devil brings his as well. Then you get confused as to which one is really from God! Now they may physically seem the same; but let me tell you, as much as the devil imitates God, he still cannot be as perfect as Him! So even though you see two similar white clothes, they are still different and you will only be able to tell with the right discernment.

Many at times we fall prey to the devil because we pray less about our choices!

Sometimes, what looks good and sounds good isn’t God’s plan.

Teach me good judgment and knowledge: for I have believed thy commandments. (Ps 119:66)

 One of the things we all have to do every single day is the exercise of judgment. We take hundreds and sometimes thousands of decisions each day. Some are minor like deciding what to wear, what to eat, sit, etc and some are major like deciding what job to do, who to marry or go out with. Even the minor decisions in the long run sum up to become major decisions.

 Deciding what to eat may look harmless but in the long run it reflects on your health and wealth. 

The key issue therefore is, How can we have good judgment? I will show you how;

1. It has to be TAUGHT. This is because we do not have the natural propensity for it. It is found in the knowledge and commandments of God. Be eager to read, listen and be taught by able the Holy Spirit and  men of God.

2. We can acquire this knowledge through studying the word, by the Spirit of God and constant study of the word.

3. Good judgment comes from believing.

Your belief in the word of God will guide you more than your so called analytical calculus mind.
 Make sure you exercise good judgment with the help of the tools God has provided such as the WORD of God, men of God etc.

Today my prayer is that God will grant us His spirit of discernment so that we may be able to differentiate between things from Him and things from the devil!!      Amen

Sunday 16 June 2013

My thoughts on Fathers Day

My reading of Genesis 2:22-24 and Genesis 4:1 gives me a whole new dimension to what have been termed “a father”. To me, there are two types of fathers.

First, before God created Eve, there was Adam. Adam at that point was not a father but a man. Although Adam was given a supervisory role and was in charge of the activities in the garden God has created, I still believe he was more of a care taker than a father.

Wikipedia tells me that a father is “a male parent or individual progenitor of human offspring”. This means that till Genesis 4:1, Adam was more of a husband than a father. Genesis 4:1 reads “Now the man had marital relations with his wife Eve and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain ......” it was at that point that Adam became a father.

To support my point further on the score that fatherhood has got to do with childbearing or looking after a child, I will resort to the promise God made to Abraham.....even though he had a lot of servants who saw him as their “father”, God still insisted that he will be made the father of many nations through his own son (Genesis 15:2-3). My point is a father is made when a man finds a woman he calls a wife and is able to sow the seed of life into the woman.

However, there is a second type of father that is very common especially in our Ghanaian society. Most of us look up to our uncles, teachers, elder brothers, pastors, bosses at work among others who encourage us, direct us and counsels us.

In some cases we even try to be like them. In most cases, these people look after us; they feed, clothe and pay our bills. To us, they are our fathers and we are right on that. So the title “father” is obtained through any of these two ways I have mentioned. In any of them, fathers are special and needs to be treated as such.

In any of the cases explained above, the men involved are not angels or saints. They are human like us. They have had their challenges and difficulties in life; they have had their own storms, high and low sides in their life’s journey. To some of us, our fathers are the best thing that ever happened to us, to others, the mere mention of the man’s name can cause someone to throw up immediately. It becomes very sad when the latter occurs.

As children (with reference to fathers) we might be justified to “hate” our fathers, to think they are irresponsible or believe they do not deserve our forgiveness or a second chance. As wives, we might be right to tell our children how irresponsible their father is, how visionless and hopeless the man we call our husband is..... I’m just saying, you might in fact be stating a fact.

But wait a minute; I dare say fathers are made by women. If that is so, then if fathers are irresponsible, the woman cannot be isolated from the blame (I know most people would not agree with me on this) but I strongly believe that women make fathers. If that is so, then, my dear young ladies who have not yet made any man a father, you should be careful the man you decide to turn into a father.

You owe your unborn babies that responsibility. So that, in the near future, you would save yourself the long explanations and castigation on the man you decided to turn into a father. Your children deserve a good father and that choice is yours and yours alone.

To the young ones who through life experiences have sworn and cursed their fathers, I share in your pain and I understand you perfectly but please take a minute and ponder this.

The bible says children honour your father and mother.....emphasis on...father and not a good father or a responsible father.... it says your father. This simply means no matter how “evil” your father is do not ever in a single moment in your life open your mouth to say anything unpleasant to him. You just have to honour him. If you have in a single moment said this either openly or in your heart, that is why we have a day like this.... please, kindly call that man, visit him and apologise and draw close to him.

Those who think their fathers are failures and do not respect them because they have not been able to take care of them, I just want to say... Never ever judge the actions or inactions of your father. He might be whatever you might think, you might be actually saying the truth but I repeat NEVER EVER judge the actions or inactions of your father because, if you were in his shoes, you might have done worse.

Let us in a day like this, learn from the shortfalls of our fathers and pray to God to help us be better fathers in the near future. We should not be judgemental but rather appreciative of the fact that we also have/had a man in our life - no matter who he is/was, what he has/had and where he is (whether dead or alive) - we can call FATHER. We might not be privy to the things he has gone though, the pains of life, the sleepless nights, the regrets and disappointments as well as the shattered dreams.

What we can do is to strive not to repeat the mistakes of our fathers and try to be better fathers to our children in the future. Happy father’s day to all fathers especially my dad who is dead but never took care of me Mr. Alexander Djan- Apeadu. 


I salute all my fathers on this day- Bishop Ewusi Brookman, Prophet Nanasei Opoku Sarkodie, Prophet Joshua Ofori, Prophet Hubert Ayi and Rev. Jacob Oteng Jnr. Thankyou for your support, love and prayers.

These are my thought on a day christened “FATHER’S DAY”.

Thursday 13 June 2013


LADIES!! There is one thing I want you to understand about men! 
Now, when you post half-naked pictures of yourself on facebook, be it you doing a sexy pose, or showing us your cleavage, or lying suggestively on your bed... The only thing you are doing is making some men lust after you. 
I know you will feel excited about the 100+ likes you will receive...and you will even pretend to 'nkt' when a guy says he wants you...when in reality you are so excited. One thing you should know, NONE of those guys who will like that photo love you!
They are in lust with you! Infact they loathe you, and none of them would take you home to be a wife! Men, both good and bad admire ladies who dress decently and respect themselves! 
Decent clothing that reveal less about you make them love and respect you! It tells them u r a decent and virtueos lady 
learn and be a virtuouswoman..

Monday 10 June 2013

The Church Is Gradually Loosing its Focus & Essence - Thomas Yeboah

 It is estimated that the world’s population hovers around 7.2biliion as at 2012. Out of this number, only 2.2 billion are Christians. And even with this figure, it is reported that majority are not Christ centered while many have also been presented with salvation message that does not depict the unconditional love that God has revealed to the world through Christ Jesus. What is more shocking is that of the 5billion people majority have not even heard about the name of Jesus and him being crucified.
Notwithstanding this, the commitment of the church –I mean the body of Christ to issues of evangelism is waning down and in some churches the issue of evangelism is not on priority list. This is not to discredit many who are committed to soul winning and evangelism. But what is problematic is the fact that, now the church has become a place where people go to, in order to obtain solutions to their problems in life. 

Of course the salvation package include deliverance from any difficulty and challenges that  we face as Jesus himself said it when he hanged on the cross that it is finished-meaning all our difficulties have come to an end by means of his death. But we forget is the main reason why we are saved- ensuring that our salvation leads to the salvation of others.

Indeed, if your salvation does not lead to the salvation of others, I see it that your salvation is meaningless. Few will disagree with me that this issue now receives less attention in the church. The church has completely lost the focus of soul winning. Now is all about healing, praying for visas to travel and other personal things and comfort that we want to enjoy. But is this the original intent of God for the church? Few will probably disagree with me that when you visit many churches (body of Christ) today and see the number of people in evangelism department very sad, only few people. 

More importantly, if there is a church programme and it is about prophetic night or breakthrough night, you will see a fully packed church. However if the programme is dubbed soul winning or something to do with evangelism, it will be difficult to even get half of the church members attending. 

What really account for this situation? We have lost focus as a church. God has made all the provisions for the salvation of the whole human race. What is left is the commitment of every individual in the church who is saved to respond to this call.



After getting all of Pope Benedict's luggage loaded into the limo (and he doesn't travel light), the driver notices that the Pope is still standing on the curb. "Excuse me, Your Holiness," says the driver, "Would you please take your seat so we can leave?" "Well, to tell you the truth," says the Pope," they never let me drive at the Vatican, and I'd really like to drive today."

"I'm sorry but I cannot let you do that. I'd lose my job! And what if something should happen?" protests the driver, wishing he'd never gone to work that morning.

"There might be something extra in it for you," says the Pope.

Reluctantly, the driver gets in the back as the Pope climbs in behind the wheel. The driver quickly regrets his decision when, after exiting the airport, the Pontiff floors it, accelerating the limo to 105 mph.

"Please slow down, Your Holiness!!!" pleads the worried driver, but the Pope keeps the pedal to the metal until they hear sirens.

"Oh, dear God, I'm gonna lose my license," moans the driver.

The Pope pulls over and rolls down the window as the cop approaches, but the cop takes one look at him, goes back to his motorcycle, and gets on the radio.

"I need to talk to the Chief," he says to the dispatcher.

The Chief gets on the radio and the cop tells him that he's stopped a limo going a hundred and five.

"So bust him," says the Chief.

"I don't think we want to do that, he's really important," said the cop.

The Chief exclaimed, "All the more reason!"

"No, I mean really important," said the cop.

The Chief then asked, "Who ya got there, the Mayor?"

Cop: "Bigger."

Chief: "Governor?"

Cop: "Bigger."

"Well," said the Chief, "Who is it?"

Cop: "I think it's God!"

Chief: "What makes you think it's God?"

Cop: "He's got the Pope as a driver!!