Thursday 23 May 2013



The strike of the eagle talon is so powerful that it's force is twice that of a rifle bullet.
  • Sub adult eagles that have not yet made a breeding territory are believed to wander more.
  • Adult eagles usually stay near their nesting territory as the supply of food and weather conditions will allow.
  • Eagles have great eyesight that helps them see for one to one and a half miles away. (Thus the term eagles eye) They can dive at 100 miles per hour. Their eyesight and diving ability help them catch food.
  • Bald Eagles help man by catching rodents and rabbits that destroy grain fields.
  • Bald Eagles can fly with 8 pounds of food.
  • Bald Eagles normally eat fish. Sometimes they will eat snakes and smaller birds.
  • There are approximately 7,000 feathers on an eagle. What I personally call divine covering and protection.
  • Pound for pound, an eagle's wing is stronger than the wing of an airplane. My God!!
  • An eagle can kill a young deer and fly away with it. Don’t mess with the prophetic anointing.
·         Eagles have great binocular sights....I activate the nature of the EAGLE in my Spirit.
·         Eagles  are very clean birds. The prophetic anointing is a very clean gift.
  • There are more than 60 different species of eagle.
  • Eagles are different from many other birds of prey mainly by their larger size, more powerful build, and heavier head and beak. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from vultures.
  • Eagles have unusual eyes. They are very large in proportion to their heads and have extremely large pupils.
  • Eagles’ eyes have a million light-sensitive cells per square mm of retina, five times more that a human’s 200,000. While humans see just three basic colours, eagles see five. These adaptations gives eagles extremely keen eyesight and enable them to spot even well-camouflaged potential prey from a very long distance. In fact the eagles’ vision is among the sharpest of any animal and studies suggest that some eagles can spot an animal the size of a rabbit up to two miles away!
  • Many eagle species lay two eggs, but the older, larger chick frequently kills its younger sibling once it has hatched. Adults do not intervene.
  • The Harpy Eagle and the Philippine Eagle have wings that spread 2.5m across and use their massive, sharp talons, to kill and carry off prey as large as deer and monkeys.
  • In Greece, Golden Eagles eat turtles, dropping them from great heights onto rocks to break open their armoured shells.
  • Although most eagles are carnivorous the African Vulturine Fish-Eagle is primarily a vegetarian, feeding on rich oil palm fruits.
  • Some eagles are built with short wings and long tails enabling them to hunt in the tight confines of a forest, while others are have short tails and broad long wings allowing them to soar high above open plains and water.
  • Eagles are admired the world over as living symbols of power, freedom, and transcendence.
  • The spot on which an eagle landed dictated to the ancient Aztecs the place where they were to build a city.
  • In some religions, high-soaring eagles are believed to touch the face of God. 
  • I pray for you, that the grace and annoitning of the eagle shall fall on you in Jesus name! 

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