Thursday 30 May 2013


I will not waste my time giving you the definition of sex bcos most of you will disagree with me in order to justify your acts and to exclude some of your activities with the opposite sex from under the umbrella of sex. If I do, some of us (myself inclusive) that still claim to be a virgin by the virtue of the fact that we had never had intercourse, we would know we are deceiving ourselves.

But I am sure you will agree with me, that sex is a process.... It pleasurable, emotional, spiritual (involving souls) exchange, contacts. okay? Let me help you to understand that, sex is designed my God (not devil) for reproduction, recreation and pleasure within the contest of marriage.

I am excited to tell you that when sex involves the right people and union, God himself supervises the process of ejaculation (sperm release) check Genesis 38:9 and 10 or read the story from verse 1to 10 if you haven't read it before.

All the info I gave above, are to water your mind on what sex is. What am interested in, is, SEX IS A PROCESS. If it is between the right people or union, it can never serve a duration of 5 minutes or few minutes like most fornicators or adulterers always have it.

I understood through the insight of one my teacher and mother in the Lord that God has never designed sex for 5 minutes. It should be a process from signals to sweet talks to touch to fallplay to sex ( It could be longer than what I listed, but no oral sex). All, in the contest of marriage. So, all this "quick browse and download" sex common among youths, so-called lovers, bf and gf, man friends and woman friends, are called STEALING, yes stealing.

What are they stealing? STDs and souls. There are two type of STDs. The first is bad but the second is worse. The first is sexually transmitted diseases, which have render so many people useless physically. The second is Sexually transmitted Demons, which have render a lot of people useless physical, spiritual and in destiny. Time won't permit me but let me quickly tell you that demons inhabit living entities.

See, if you don't know, sperm aint mucus or liveless milk: they are living cells. They carry traits and transfer them. They help in transfer of demon.

If a brother that has one demon (e.g lying), sex with sister that has 3 demons (e.g delay, stealing and forgetfulness). In the end, there will be demons transfer. One from the bro to the Sis and 3 from the Sis to the bro; both having 4 each (lying, stealing, delay and forgetfulness) and that is how the trend continues if they go on sleeping with other people.

This is why you will see some traits that you don't have before manifesting in you.

I won't talk about soul tranfer much now, so as to reduce the number of words you will read. But know that, When husband and wife have been married and having sex for years, samples have shown that after some times, they will start looking alike: it is due to souls transfers and that has great implications, as I will explain later if anyone cares to know.

If some ladies are cursed anywhere they are, the curse will have effects in the life of some brothers that had have sex with them decades ago: though they may not even recognise each other anymore.

When some brothers go into occultic covenant with their blood, some Sisters that had sex with them several years ago are carried along in the repercussions of the covenant.... All is due to soul transfer through sex.

I want to beg us as youths, we should try to guide our lives Jealously. 5 minutes is too much for the devil to steal your destiny. If you experience some strange things due to your past life, or encounter, go for deliverance. He that the Son set free, is free indeed.

Do not be Good enough to lay, but not to stay. Good enough today, but not tomorrow. Good enough this way, but never that way. Be careful who you give your body to, because you give part of yourself each time.......SOUL TIES. Many people today have so many demons, bad attitudes and curses following them all of a sudden without even knowing the cause. It is more than dangerous if not deadly to sleep with more than one person. Your soul might be with and in the wrong place for anyone you sleep with, your soul is tied to that individual and any propblems, curses, demons, etc in them also comes into you. Be wise.

Am almost weeping as I write this. How I wish all women and men of today know this. God's mercy kept me and saved me. Thank You Father For Your Mercy Has Kept Me Safe And Alive To Know The Truth! Read and share to the rest of the world. Bless u!


  1. God bless you brother for this insight.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. God bless you big bro for this knowledge.

  4. Jenkins Fritzpatrick1 August 2013 at 03:31

    God bless you prophet. You are such a blessing to us. we luv u frm ottawa. We cnt wait to have u here again my Bishop!
