Tuesday 13 November 2018


The Lord showed me people who were growing tired. They fasted, they prayed, they did everything yet still...

If you have prayed... Fasted and the delay is still there...

Then,  relax... It is not witchcraft, it is process...
It is not a curse,  it is the price...

You are not having all these challenges because of what you did...

But because of the things you are going to do for God...

Everything Joseph suffered was not because he did something bad but one problem after the other kept coming to prepare him for the task ahead.....

The great prophecies they gave you are not lies..

The dreams you have been seeing about yourself are not malaria dreams...

They are from God...

It is taking time to speak because the right time for it to speak has not come...

Any prophecy that was not preceded by pains and shame is not from God...

God has never been an author of any prophecy that didn't reduce men before it made them mighty ..

Jesus said his time to be glorified has come...

Yet,  the next thing that followed was slap,  insults, vinegar, beatings and shameful death..

How does beatings and public disgrace look like glory?...

How does betrayal look like glory?...

How can all the people he imparted and assisted abandon Him and He say He is on His way to glory?... funny anaa meboa?

Even those that dined and wined with Him...

Those He obstructed His activities to intervene in their matters... 🤔

They forgot all He was for them,  assisted Satan and messed him up...

What a world..... is it not interesting that the very same people He came to save, heal, help and deliver were the same people shouting kill him kill him. Am always asking myself so where was blind Bartimaeus, what of the woman with the issue of blood, or the 10 lepers, or the 5,000 men He fed n so on and so on. All these people were suddenly nowhere to be found when He needed just one vote...., hmmm Nipa y3 bad.......

They even laughed and mocked Him...
Yet, they didn't know that glory was buried inside the shame and mockery...

And at the end,  nothing could stop that program of glory ...

Let me say this to you my sons and daughters in the Lord,
Don't allow what you are seeing make you forget what you SAW...

Don't let what you are seeing in your bank account make you forget what you SAW about your future, life, and ministry ...

That nobody has proposed to you for the past few months should not make you forget what God showed you about the glorious family He wants to raise through you...

That you are struggling to get a place to stay and work to do shouldn’t make you forget what God has said concerning you

Stop hanging around people that didn't see what you SAW...

Don't blame those mocking you because what you SAW has not started playing out...

Jesus SAW something that made him not to be afraid to be in the bad book of the bad people of his time...

We call it the cross,  but He was calling it a ladder to glory...

I don’t know if you catch the revelation. Cos His name and status increased after His sacrifice so if we saw pain He saw the glory

My beloved sons and daughters in the Lord, The Lord is showing me a lot in these times and I want to let you know that don't join them to say any negative word about yourself. Don’t even allow people influence you out of your vision

You don't frighten men that have SEEN something...

If you know any man who is busy pulling other men down, he is a man that has not SEEN anything...

The most dangerous man alive is a man who has SEEN nothing, yet, he is following men who God has shown something...

His secret bitterness will not last for long,  He will soon start looking for ways to pull them down and use them to rise...

I pray you don't let men who have not SEEN anything distract you on this journey...

Can I tell you this?..

What shows that you are in the right path to glory is not the thrones...
But the thorns..

What announces your glory is not the palace...
But the pit...

I don’t know if you getting this....

Stop mocking a man who God has made hopeless and helpless...
Because Pharaoh is looking for that man to decorate him ...

Let me also use this medium to remind you that the thrones of nations are reserved only for men who have been inside the pit...

Pharaoh cannot pretend for long that he has solutions to issues...

Soon,  there will be a world wide demand for men that have been in the prison of betrayals, loneliness and lack...

If God showed you thrones,  He will bring thorns ...
If He told you to get ready to occupy the palace,  He will first bring the pit...

Forget the present mockery and shame...

It is not a curse...  It is the design...
It is not an attack...  It is the price...

It was The Cross that showed that Jesus was on the right path to glory.. .

It was thousands of enemies, not friends that announced that His days to walk in majesty was near...

Stop expecting to see angels in the midst of that ugly situation...
Mockers are announcers that the day of the Lord is near...

Run away from throne that didn't see your tears ...
Don't wear any Crown that didn't hear your cries...

Yours might be loneliness... Joblessness or betrayals...
You might want to give up......
You might want to even commit suicide and die.......

But It is time to celebrate because you are on the right path to the glory God showed you from the beginning...

I don't know how long it will last...
I might be lying to you if I tell you that it will end tomorrow...

The shame might still be there till this month ends...

It might even enter next year...
We don't care how long it will last,  but one thing we know is that glory is coming at the end...

And by that time,  we will be like them that dream...

Then those round about us will say that their God has done great things for us...


Years ago,  when God called me into the ministry I gladly accepted after 2 encounters...

I didn't know what was coming...
He didn't tell me what was going to be in the pack...

If I had seen the pain, neglect, lack and want,  discouragement, betrayals, backstabiings, mockery, loneliness, tears and pains, I am sure that I would not have accepted...

Heerh I have seen a lot o. My wife and I can attest to people we even help and pray for who Intentionally forget us and countless number of people who after praying for their breakthroughs decide to go testify and thank others. The betrayals, lack and as for the hunger de3 it’s a whole sermon....

You know as for me de3 I will tell you the truth, it has not been a sweet ride at all thus far.. and to be honest if I had seen all these maybe even Jonah will be better cos for me  I will run very far from this call

But it is obvious that the experiment is about to end...

The days of glory will not be far again...

Soon The Lord shall show us His blessings and favor

You see, is it not a privilege that God saw you faithful to use your life for the lesson He wants to pass across to the coming generations?...

Are you not lucky to walk in the order of men who God reduced before He introduced them to generations to come?  ...

Promise me that you will not have any time to reply shallow minds who will think you are the one begging this generation to sing your song...

Because when God would have been satisfied with the travail of your soul like He was with Jesus, whether you like it or not, you will never be ordinary among men any more...

Can you bow down your head and ask God to give you grace to pay the price in full...

Am saying a prayer for you
Don’t give up
The glory is here



I have seen houses that they used only human blood to build...

No water was added to the cement, only human blood, till the whole house was finished...

Anybody that lived in that house lost someone...
Either their children or spouses...

And in some cases, both husbands and wives died, including dogs and other pets....

They didn't know they were living in a house built with human blood for sacrifice ...

And they didn't have any prayer life...

They thought being a deacon in church was enough...

They thought coming back to play the c.d of their pastor was enough...

I have seen a man walk in Accra in a suit and my eyes were opened to see 3 female like demons pulling him back in the realm of the spirit only to be told by him he has been rejected by 3 different companies that called for interview 

When Jesus said: "Men ought always not to faint, but to pray..."

He knew you will have pastors who are powerful...

But Jesus also knew that what is looking for you meant business...

I hear people say that once you are born again, that you are free from all attacks... And I laugh...

When you hear those who have not seen powers, you will know...

Always check those folks, they have no power and are afraid to say and most of them haven’t even seen power before or feel how it’s like to carry something heavy

Few of us, in our little level have been privileged to encounter powers in one or two missionaries areas...

Charle my people , there are powers oo... heeerh

You can ask Shaddy and John one day a car almost crushed us on our way to Extreme Grace 1 but some way somehow that car rather entered a big hole and we were standing spotless

Imagine how many people that were killed to get the blood that was enough to build a living house...

Imagine the wickedness...

Imagine the sacrifices...

That is why the bible said the dark places of the earth are filled with the habitation of cruelty...

And because as of that Paul told us to Pray without ceasing...

And Jude told us to be building up ourselves on our most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost...

Sons and daughters, Jesus did not tell us to pray out of fear...

He told us to pray, so as to exercise our authority...

And enforce our victory in our demonized communities ...

This night, as you will be sleeping, a 12year old demon possessed girl will be sleeping inside an ocean for 4hours...

You were sleeping when she went...
You will be still be sleeping when she will be back ...

At that meeting, you were the subject matter...
How to afflict your life and finances..
How to make sure you loose ......

How to bewitch your children to start misbehaving...

How to cause confusion in your ministry..

Yet, you will still be sleeping and she will leave for another meeting tomorrow...
And when she comes back you will still be sleeping..

Could that be reason things are the way they are in around you ?

Have you not slept enough?...

If your parents knew this, they would not have suffered what they suffered...

They carried bible and church Manuals without power...

And no prayer life...

Will you still recycle the mistakes they made?...

The greatest wickedness you will do to yourself is if you think everything happening to you is ordinary...

Heerh, The Lord showed wickedness in the world n now even in the church and I was scared. Eeeii be careful o cos there is serious wickedness in the world now. Don’t take things lightly..

Don't use me to judge your family...
We might not have the same challenges and the same kind of enemies...

Gone are days when you don't go to church because another sister stops going... or you stop praying cos someone stopped praying 

Or you sit at home waiting for church bulk SMS before you take your place ...

Your friends might have other persons standing in the gap for their family...

Stop doing fine boy...
Stop doing fine girl and always giving excuses

Stop pretending that all is well...

Charle , we need to pray ooo...

What if God is waiting for you to set the family free from ancient embargo?...

Will you continue sleeping like someone without assignment?...

This is the season you can wake up and  stand in the gap for your family...

Too much laziness no power in the church so a lot of bad things keep happening. Stop tuning away from the meetings that can help you and start getting serious 

Anyone that did not teach you about spiritual warfare did not teach you anything...

Jesus said: "And ye shall receive power..."

Because He knew that there are powers from your mothers side and father's side...
He knew there are powers in your business place...

He knew that the demons controlling your village will not want you to rise above your mates who are confused and messed up...

If you are ignorant of it, you do that to your peril...

If you can speak in tongues, get ready 

If you can not speak in tongues...

If you desire it, get ready also...

Because something from heaven will enter you ...

I give the Holy Ghost permission to replace every trace of weakness in your life with supernatural strength..

Are you ready to stand in the gap for yourself and your family? ...

Then, let us pray...

There is serious fire coming !
#Prophet Daniel Kwame Osae Djan