Monday 19 August 2013

Some things the singles cannot see, and the married are not telling them. MUST READ!!!

We live in a dissatisfied generation.

Those who are short in height wished they were taller.
The white is tanning their bodies trying to get dark, the blacks are
bleaching trying to get white. The young are tinting their hair white, the old are dyeing their hair black.

Singles are posing with wedding rings,those married forget to wear
it, those with beards are shaving off, those with none are using
methylated spirit to grow some! hmmmmmm

Today,I have a story to tell. Are you ready for it? Here we go. Once
upon a time, (time – time), when I was single,I looked forward to
marriage. My married friend also once said, Now that I am married, I missed the time I was single!
End of story!

Singles will hardly believe that because all in their mind is to get
married so that everything can change. I have seen and learnt from the successful in marriage and here are a few things I have learned that might bless you if you are still single.

1. Marriage will not make you happier. Be happy before marriage. Marriage has no power in itself beyond the two people involved.

2. Marriage will not change you. Change begins inwardly. Marriage
is not a change agent. Marriage will not improve your attitudes, it
will expose them. Marriage does not eliminate your weaknesses, it
will amplify them. Start working on your attitudes and weaknesses
before marriage.

3. Marriage will not cure loneliness.There are several married people who have their spouses with them by the second, but are extremely lonely. Loneliness is more of a state of mind than availability of people around you. The loneliest people in the world are sometimes the ones with large number of fans and crowd around them. Only God’s word can cure the root cause of loneliness.

4. Marriage will not take pressures away, it will probably bring more. You have one more life to manage. If you cannot manage yours and you venture into marriage, it will be a disaster.
When the children start coming, there will be more pressures.
Learn to take pressures head on by casting your care on Jesus and
refusing to worry like the scripture advises.

5. Marriage is not all about sex. Ask somebody who is married.
Yes, sex is a marital glue, a healing balm in the soul for couples, and a blessing that keeps couples together. But it is not like you think, sex in the morning, afternoon and evening. 

Average couples actually make love twice or thrice in a week. However, the
more frequent it is for married couples, the better for them.

6. Your spouse will not be a magician neither is he the Holy Spirit.

He/she will be a human being with his own issues. You will always need God. He might be very anointed on the pulpit and filled with God’s glory while she is ministering in the choir, but at home he or she is a human being with all the weaknesses complete. Learn to separate the office or position of your spouse from his or her person at home.

7. Marriage is not all about kisses, flowers, cinemas, cakes,
chocolates and vacations alone. It is about cooking, pampers, crying baby, working, paying school fees and so on. It is about budgets, plans, strategies and divine wisdom. It is about submission to your husband who you sometimes think is hard, insensitive and unloving. It is about loving your wife who you
sometimes think is stubborn, does not want to be corrected and can nag from morning till next day.

Read, share and learn. Have a blessed week. cheers!!

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Not All Christians, Pastors and Men of God Are the Same

 I have learned that you should never judge a person unless you have talked to them one on one or walked in their shoes for a while.

There are STILL God-fearing, Jesus-loving and Holy Spirit-filled Christians in the world today who, continue to STAND for the Truth; and who doggedly refuse to compromise on the altar of lust for money and material comfort. There are still some who serve God wholeheartedly without any issues and corruption, there exist educated, courteous, descent, virgins, virtuous and responsible men and women who boldly stand for God without compromise or fear.

Avoid the presumptuous sin of committing the fallacy of hasty generalization by tagging all ministers of the gospel and Christians as corrupt and compromised. Not all are the same, not everyone is deceived after lust and money.

What many people do not know is, When the enemy comes in like a flood GOD lifts up a standard against him. May God arise and his enemies be scattered: to walk in the flesh and to be led by it creates enmity between God and man. He takes no part in that. That which he takes no part in must depart. Be careful that you don't cause judgement to fall upon you swiftly. #PAYDAY IS COMING And some peoples pay won't be all that pleasing. 

Thank God for the lives of christians who still live a holy life, in this era where sin abounds and the dignity and santity of people are fading away, there still exist virgins, holy ones, descent boys and girls holding on strongly to the promises of God.

There is hope where GOD and GRACE is. As long as God's GRACE exist, Some will never bow to baal and compromise their faith.....NEVER!