Tuesday 30 July 2013

Be Content and Grateful with what you Have!!

I want you to carefully watch this video 

 Better to stop and take into consideration what and who is truly valuable in one's life. There is always something to be thankful for. Whatever you have and whoever you are, be grateful.

Better a handful with quietness than both hands full, together with toil and grasping for the wind. Ecclesiastes 4:6..

Life is not all about accumulation of things and wealth my dear. He who dies with the most money or the most toys, still dies. No one can take their money, houses, cars, friends or their collections with them to the grave.

In Job 1:21..Job said...“Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

You see, Each day of life brings its own special gifts from the hand of GOD. View each day as the beginning of a new life, another day, another chance, greet the new day with confidence that this will be the best day of your life. “ Be happy just for the Life God has given you and the little money or one cloth you have.

The best way for a person to have happy thoughts is to count their blessings and not their cash. Money and material things are deemed important but they are not what truly matters. It is the wealth of family and friendship that will bring true happiness and contentment in your life.”

Always appreciate God and be thankful for who you are and what He has made you. Never be envious of anyone in this life. Be grateful and be content. Wake up each day filled with the joy of the Lord and simply appreciate what and who you are.

Stay blessed.


Wednesday 17 July 2013

Revelational Knowledge!

Our greatest enemy is not the devil because Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. Paul said in order to not make the flesh become your enemy then put it under subjection. Therefore our greatest enemy is a lack of knowledge. In Hosea 4:6 God said "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee,......"

Note that God's people are destroyed not because they lack money,anointing or power but because they lack knowledge. They lack knowledge about God,the Word,the Holy Spirit,about spiritual authority,about giving,about the difference between Holiness and righteousness,about the times and seasons, they even lack knowledge about the Will of God concerning their life and finally the reason why they are on earth.

This kind of knowledge is not ascertained through formal and informal education but through the spirit of Revelation, Hence the word Revelational Knowledge

Friday 12 July 2013


1. Stop Giving Your Number Out To Every Dick & Harry! No man would want to propose marriage to a lady whose phone is always Talking and laughing with unserious calls. You may not be a playgirl, but he would judge you as one, and will likely flee at the slightest chance or disagreement.

2. Excessive makeup turns most decent and serious-minded men off- if you have observed, you will discover that most men dislike excessive makeup, and more don’t even like it at all; reason they often times discourage their true loved ones to do away with it cos it speaks ill of a lady even though so many men will applaud and complement you for looking like an Egyptian mummy. A slight makeup is okay; but if you are out for marriage, try always to look simple and natural, it will attract better men, decent and serious-minded, except you are still living in your high school Life and not thinking towards marriage.

3. You Give Everything Out During Dating- As a single lady who has not been taken to the altar, you need to reserve some things for your husband to be, especially your body, respect it and preserve it at all cost. In the past, men rushed to marry to get certain things or privileges they had been constantly denied while being single. Such privileges include and not limited to: constant sex and companionship, good food and tidied home, etc. But today, a single man gets even the best and of course more of constant sex, good food and excellent home- keeping more than his married counterparts, so tell me how the hell you want him to desire to marry you when you have given him virtually everything he desires from a wife while being his girlfriend? And the most painful part of it all is that he knows that you are prepared to cut down on sex supply, cooking, home-keeping, etc once he marries you, so why would he not want you to remain his girlfriend for life?

4. You Package Yourself Wrongly- in your attempt to look sexy, adorable and maybe appealing to guys, you have derailed from appealing to appalling. In fact you look more whorish than modest; more distractive than attractive, and more disgusting than adorable. Your dressing style determines who gets attracted to you most times. If you dress high school, only high school-thinking guys will be attracted to you, and if you dress excessively sexy and provocative, only randy men will come to you for urgent satisfaction of their immediate sex urge, so don’t be fooled by media hyping of certain kinds of dressing, they are meant for certain set of ladies you wouldn’t like to be associated with, be careful.
Remember, not all clothes that look sexy are good for a seriously searching for a soul mate single lady.

5. Your Friends Run Your Life- how do you expect to find a husband when you still allow your clique of friends to be dictating which man you meet is worthy of your love and which is not? When will you wake up and face the fact that those your best friends even though they cherish you, wouldn’t want you to marry before them or to marry the best man?

6. Many African ladies now dislike cooking and home chores just because they had been totally brainwashed by movies showcasing men playing the role of women in a family, and due to excessive exposure to modern media that promotes gender-equality in a destructive way that’s aimed at destroying the unique African family setting that made our previous African marriages everlasting and envious to the westerns. Now, with this attitude, how do you expect a African man to desire to marry when he knows he is only buying more headache and trouble than helper for himself? There is no gainsay that some guyz are just difficult to please. Every rule has its exceptions.

Be decent, be modest. Men love Simplicity and Sincerity. Boys love Flamboyance and Extravagance.

Don’t be gullible by the foreign culture on the media. Be a Lady that attracts Men, not Boys


Saturday 6 July 2013


I must say, after soo many counseling and issues I happen to address this week. This must be said finally here.
I feel like nowadays, relationships are so rushed, and that's why they end so quickly. People have sex too quick, thereby becoming emotionally attached too soon or early and not being ready to deal with the complications that comes after.
 I remember back then, being able to hug someone was something to look forward to, holding someone's hand was worth being bragged about and kissing someone was a big step and actually meant something and I mean something huge. But nowadays, people don't value these things & just skip straight to sex, and then someone is more attached than the other, then it's over. 
Both men and women of today have demoralised themselves and people do not even place any value on themselves, HOW SAD!

The devil is gradually killing this generation, only GRACE can save us. God have mercy on us. People just meet and exchange numbers and the next moment are sleeping together, just attracting demons and evil into their lives, no wonder the young generation dont last long, evil abound.  Beware folks!!! 


Friday 5 July 2013


It amazes me the way people think they are better than others, richer than others, more good looking than others, more anointed than others, how their church is better than other churches and how they prophesy better than others.
Some people of today even compare their clothes, money, cars, parents, where they come from and where they live to others. It really amazes me how people begin to forget that they are human and that anything can happen to them and start to belittle others and look down on others.
Now Christians of today even compare pastors, churches and size of congregation. who is more powerful and more anointed.
Friends, believe me on judgement day there will be a lot of shocks. No man has the power to judge another man's work, that is the work of GOD. The ways of God are not our ways and the thoughts of God are not our thoughts. Was it not written in the good book that many will say "we prophesy and did miracles in your name and He will say to them I don't know you". 
The truth is that we will actually never know who is doing the right thing in ministry or not because God has allowed both the wheat and tares to grow together until harvest(judgement day). All of our work will be put through fire and if your work is not precious in the sight of God it will be consumed by fire. 
Please let us be determined to stay in the will of God and do the work of God with all humility and holiness for the rapture is near and judgement awaits us all. 
God bless you!


These are not prophecies given out of personal interest or animosity but are direct words from the Holy Spirit. Help me in prayer concerning these prophecies. Share and unite in prayer concerning them; 
If prayers are made negative prophecies can be averted.
This year 2013 is actually a year of many surprises; many many surprises are going to happen. We have to be on guard and on a serious watch as many evil, disasters and surprising turn around are bend to occur in this year. We expect a lot of terrible as well as deserving surprises springing up. The year 2013, is definitely a year you want to definitely look at very well. Some detailed ones include:

1. House of Representative( Nigeria, Ghana n two African countries) to lose some members to death, prayers needed

2. There will be major boom and breakthrough in the agriculture.

3. CNN and BBC will lose major staff. MTN also needs prayers.

4. Nollywood will keep losing people unless prayers are made and repentance;
Many have gone fetish and there is high rate of immorality. I see three major stars dying this year unless prayers are made.

5. Many barren women are going to become joyful mothers.

6. A man I see from Nigeria with a aname, Emir of Kano Alhaji (Dr) Ado Bayero to pray against attempt on his life. He will lose some men.

7. Rapist will be on the prowl. Raping women little children and even pregnant women. watch where your kids, sisters, friends and relatives go..

8. A sect deadlier than Boko-Haram is being trained and prepared.

9. South Africa to mourn a hero.
Pray for former South African president, Dr Nelson Mandela as WELL AS OTHER HEROES. And also, the southern part of the African continent needs to pray for their African leaders and past leaders.

10. I see a Governor in one part in Nigeria dying.

11. This year, the looting of National treasury will be on a massive scale esp Africa, Ghana and Nigeria.

12. President Goodluck Jonathan’s own men from his place will fight him.

13. A yoruba movie actor to die surprisingly.

14. A year judgment for politicians and wicked leaders.

16. scarcity of money, but food will be in abundance.

17. Road accidents and fire attacks esp in Ghana.

18. President Goodluck will lose someone precious to him either this year or next.

19. A member of the United State of America’s senate house will die.

20. President Barrack Obama’s life will be attempted.

21. Ghana roads, accidents, and fire outbreaks

22. Many serious places in Ghana will be burnt through fire (Fire outbreaks)

23. Terrorism in all forms- religious, civil etc. - America, England, Syria, Iraq

24. We need to pray against any flight crashes and flight problems

Thank you!

From: Secretary/PA- Vera Aba Woode
To: all sons and Daughters of Prophet Kwame Osae Djan
Cc: Memebers and Acssociates of PLIM



Rhema........Matt 21:8, ''And a very great multitude spread their clothes on the road; others cut down branches from the trees and spread them on the road. '' The scene was a Royal procession! The King of kings was going to Jerusalem.

Notice the fact that everyone put their clothes and cut branches Just and purposely for Jesus to walk on.

But friends do you also notice, Jesus didn't walk on any of the clothes or branches? The donkey actually did. This was a rejected village donkey but had the opportunity to walk on peoples clothes. Jesus rode on it and it had the opportunity of walking on clothes! Give Jesus a chance, Let Him ride on your life. You will have colour and you will be treated differently by all.

Like the donkey who was rejected and and left to perish somewhere, when you give Jesus your life, He makes it so beautiful. Enjoy the song and give your all to Jesus, you will be glad you did.

Monday 1 July 2013

Welcome to July!!

 I have eruditely concluded that Pharaoh and his army drowned because they tried to follow a Word that God didn't give them. Go Forward! was a word for Israel not for the Egyptians. Get your own Word from God and follow it, so you don't drown on your journey. Look up unto Him and He will direct your path. May The Lord bless and prosper you as you journey through the month and rest of the year in Jesus name. May you possess even the gates of your enemies. Shalom!!
 Young lady, your ''pancake'',
Mary K or Avon'' product is okay, your L.A.F.A  (Locally Acquired Foreign Accent) is good, your super star or figure-8 cat walk is better , your Brazilian or Peruvian hair is great, but all these may get u a Man & not a Husband.
Young man, handsome is not when you are fine, but handsome is when u have ''some grace in your hands'' because a house can collapse, money can fly, cars can breakdown, but Grace is the distinguishing factor that ends Disgrace.
I prophesy to you with my eyes opened, in this of month July ;
your DIGNITY will never leave you!
you'll never grovel at the feet of others for bread. You'll never risk your life for bread.
Your life will not be a mockery of redemption. You'll cheat the
turbulent misfortunes of darkness aimed against your DESTINY.
Your wings will never be clipped or broken, You will mount up on the wings of favour.
Your head will not reject prophecy, doors that have hitherto been closed on you will open by their own accord & everyday from today will be a plus in your life.
The next half of your year will be better than the first.
Receive it with a THUNDEROUS Amen.